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⇒ Read Gratis Prey eBook DA Boulter

Prey eBook DA Boulter

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Science Fiction short story. 6000 words

Krin Tlento,of the felid Tlartox, finds herself on the run from the bulls of the barendi herd she was hunting. Her radio sabotaged, she has but one option to face death with honor, as befits one of the People of Tlar, with her fangs in the throat of a barendi bull. In the unlikely event she should survive, her second priority is to retake her ship from the mutineers who left her to die.

Prey eBook DA Boulter

Prey was a compact well written short. It is a character driven story of survival and the influence survival needs have when deciding who is ally and who is enemy. Individuals from two divergent alien races are thrown together in a hostile environment and both recognize the advantage of cooperation. Boulter tells a complete story even in this short. I think PELGRAFF is still my favorite but Prey is more than worthy of my time. Good story.

Product details

  • File Size 103 KB
  • Print Length 16 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date September 1, 2011
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Prey eBook DA Boulter

Tags : Prey - Kindle edition by D.A. Boulter. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Prey.,ebook,D.A. Boulter,Prey,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure
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Prey eBook DA Boulter Reviews

This story starts off with the hunter becoming the prey of its prey. As the story unfolds you will learn the reasons for this occurance. The huntress then meets a human and this unfolds a new thread to the tale. The author does not disappoint in this story. He leaves your mind open to dreaming up side stories for his characters. There is at the end a sense for what is to happen. Well written.
When I was a teenager, I saw a movie with a similar theme Two creatures from different parts of the universe determine that it is best to help each other to survive instead of killing each other. I think the movie was Enemy Mine that starred Louis Gossett Jr. But there are a few things about Prey that makes it more memorable than that movie.

I like how Boulter subtly presents the differences between Krin and the new species. And I also liked how Krin solves, at least temporarily, the little mutiny problem.

It would be nice to see more of Krin and how she deals with the new species.
Like the other books from this author this is a good solid read and worthy of your attention. This may be one of my favorite indie authors and I think they showcase how independent publishing can really work. I love their books and hope they keep writing for many years to come.
This is a short story but it is action packed and entertaining. It ended with a "to be continued" feel but the author was able to incorporate suspense, action and surprise elements in a very compact story. I enjoyed this story and would read more work by this writer
I really enjoyed reading this book. You should consider reading it also. It is definitely better than most books that I have gotten for free.
Prey is cleverly written; we find out what Krin is by how she acts and interacts. The characters make sense from the beginning and our understanding of them grows through the story. I love the subtlety and parallel to a classical story (a very obscure parallel until the very end, so it doesn't ruin the ending) but even if I didn't pick up on it, I would think it is a well crafted story.

I can't resist sharing my favorite lines, "Her ears went back to the angle of disgust. Traitors may they all go to Tlar with fur in disarry!"

There is one somewhat jarring note... WARNING POSSIBLE SPOILER IN THE REST OF THIS REVIW............... I can believe Creslot learned a few words in Krin's language but not that they would include the ones he used later. I don't think a universal translator explains that. It doesn't make sense that it would give those words without giving others would have been as useful or more useful later and much easier to figure out from the available contexts.
I originally got this book back in 2013 and it's been sitting in my library.

I finally read it today and was impressed with the authors ability to deliver an interesting read in 16 pages.

Going into now to check for a continuation. I want to know what happens between the Tok and humans.
Prey was a compact well written short. It is a character driven story of survival and the influence survival needs have when deciding who is ally and who is enemy. Individuals from two divergent alien races are thrown together in a hostile environment and both recognize the advantage of cooperation. Boulter tells a complete story even in this short. I think PELGRAFF is still my favorite but Prey is more than worthy of my time. Good story.
Ebook PDF  Prey eBook DA Boulter

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